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2023-05-29 13:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The English Profile of Wenxuecity.com  Simply, wenxuecity.com is composed by five key components, which are:

·         Homepage

·         News

·         BBS forum

·         Blog

·         Group

These five gathers over 95% of the total traffic. The hierarchy of wenxuecity.com The first tier is the Homepage. Except for navigation bar, there are three major sections in the homepage. They serve as a snapshot of digest posts and/or editors’ pick to News (the top section), BBS forums (the middle section), and the blog (the bottom section).

According to the website, wenxuecity.com applies a direct link from homepage to other components. The sort of 3-tier hierarchy is pretty simple and convenient. However, it greatly limits the potential of promoting good content and attracting more advertisers due to the very limited space.  In order to solve these problems,wenxuecity.com has decided to add more second-tier pages that won’t interrupt current viewing habit but enables content- and geographic- targeted reading and advertising. These changes will be reflected on the navigation bar on the homepage. It targets the 16 hottest components/pages/forums of wenxuecity.com. When fully launched (by the end of 2017), the 16 components of the under-construction navigation bar will be listed as: 首页Homepage, 新闻News, 财经Finance (Launched),移民 Immigration (Launched), 教育education, 家居home improvement, 健康health and beauty, 美食food, 时尚fashion, 旅游travel, 影视video, 分类classified, 博客blog (Launched), 群组group (Launched), 专题topics (Launched), 论坛forums  The most diverse part of wenxuecity.com

As an active community website, the audience is the invaluable asset of wenxuecity.com. BBS forums (third tier) offer a highly diverse platform for the audience to post and follow the topics they are interested in. There are 55 forums or pages listed on a more detailed navigation bar on bbs.wenxuecity.com – the showcase "homepage" of all forums.  They are:

滚动新闻 (News) – the home page of all news

生活百态 (Social News) –  the essential part of news

娱乐频道 (Entertainment News) – another essential part of news

唯美贴贴 (Pretty Images) – a place that gathers people who love pretty images, pictures and photos

摄影沙龙 (Photography Salon) – where the shutterbug share their passion and skills

股市财经 (Wall Street Journal News) – editors’ pick of Wall Street Journal news)

大千股坛 (Stock Market) – the forum that gathers experts and amateurs to discuss the trend in the ever-changing stock market 

投资理财 (Investment) – for people to share stories, experience and analysis regarding investment and personal finance

世界风情 (Travel Adventures) – share the stories of your trips around the world

影视人生 (Video life) – enrich your life with various shows

移民新闻 (Immigration News) – lawyers’  pick/articles about the trend in immigration policy change

移民论坛 (Immigration Forum) – where to look for help in immigrant issues and applications

留学生活 (Study Abroad) – for students that study abroad to share their stories

美语世界 (U.S. English) – where to learn and improve U.S. English

想唱就唱 (I love singing) – people who love singing to share their voice and songs

我爱我家  (Sweet Home) – “Home, my sweet Home.” Everything under the roof, and with the family

子女教育 (Raising kids) – the love and pain, fun and frustrations in raising kids overseas

亲亲宝贝 (My Baby) – the forum for mums to share their stories and experience in pregnancy and taking care of their little babies

宠物乐园 (Pet Wonderland) – where the pet enthusiasts to share their love and passion

音乐快递 (Music Express) – share favorite music and stories with other music lovers

私房小菜 (Private Recipes) – tantalizing aroma is the only thing you cannot find here

健康养生 (Health and Beauty) – where to share knowledge and  experience in health and to look for help in improve health conditions

流行时尚 (Fashion) – the platform to show your beauty, share your fashion tips and learn from others

脑筋急转 (Quiz) – fun quizzes to train the brain

难得一笑 (Joke) – you’ll laugh here

职场生涯 (Career Life) – to share stories and to look for advises regarding career life

创业天地 (Entrepreneur) – where the entrepreneurs to share their passion and look for advices

回国发展 (Back to China) – people who plan to or have come back to China to share their stories and emotion

人在他乡 (I am Overseas) – overseas Chinese to share their joy and tears, divided to many sub-forums that focus on certain area

奇闻怪谈 (Ghost Stories) – forum for scary story lovers

法律咨询 (Legal consultancy) – discuss the legal issues, cases and search for help in this area

跨国婚姻 (Interracial marriage) – for female and male who want to marry and have married to non-Chinese

爱是有缘 (Romance) – where you can find love stories for ordinary people 

爱车一族 (Automobile Lovers) – gathers enthusiasts for cars

实用电脑 (Computer Experts) – attracts enthusiasts for computers and digital technology

人到中年 (Middle Age) – for people in one of the toughest life stage to share their love and pain as a middle-aged human being

生于70’s (70s) – the forum that gathers people who were born in 1970s

常青人生 (Silver Life) – seniors’ private world to share with others

百家杂谈 (Diversity) – all you want to discuss, no boundary

体育看台 (Sports Fans) – for sports fans to share their passion

婚姻生活 (Marriage) – where to talk about the joy and frustration in marriage

几曾回首 (Chinese History) – a forum for “scholars” to talk about the modern history of China

品茶小轩 (Tea Lounge) – whatever you would like to share during tea time

星相卜卦 (Horoscope) – for people to explore the inner part from a different perspective

科技世界 (Geek) – for technology enthusiasts  

时事述评 (Commentary) – for people to discuss current affairs

我的中国 (My China) – where to discuss everything about China

两岸交流 (Taiwan Relations) – the forum to discuss issues regarding Taiwan

书画艺廊 (The Art Salon) – for the lovers of arts

网上谈兵 (Military Fans) – a forum for fans to discuss everything regarding military and strategy 

海外原创 (Haiwai/Overseas Original – Literature) – Share your stories and feelings

文化走廊 (Culture Salon) – for discussing all things about culture

诗词欣赏 (Poet) – enjoy the beauty of poets and other traditional Chinese literature

书香之家 (Readers’ Club) – share the books, articles and literature you love

数码生活 (Digital World) – talk about all trendy digital technology and devices  

Aside from the above 55 forums, there are dynamic BBS created for certain topics, such as forums for discussion ignited by particular hot news. They can be accessed through topic page. Most recent example is the topic on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Kids Table the "kill all people in China" controversy. People across the country and all over the world have responsed to this, called for signing petition on whitehouse website and organizing local protest activities through our website. For a month, from news, forums to blogs and groups, there were a lot of communication and acitivities going on o wenxuecity.com.   The original content at wenxuecity.com  Blog is the section at wenxuecity.com that is mainly composed of original piece from our registered members. People post their life stories, share their opinion about various topics, and communicate with others through comment function and the in-site message we offer. We just overhauled the blog system, offer better view and more functions for bloggers to showcase and personalize their blog.  The community within the community  Groups is the community within the bigger community at wenxuecity.com. People create groups - either public or private - to form an online community or club where they interact with people that share a more specific alike interest with them. This part is 95% managed by members themselves. 






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